Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Fast and Furious Decline of Obama's Adminstration

Over a year ago, an American hero, Brian Terry, lost his life because the U.S. Government was selling  untraceble illegal firearms to the Mexican cartels. The latter statement is indeed fact, and yet somehow Obama thinks an Executive Privlege will somehow save Holder? If the White House is guilty in anyway, having the president cover up hundreds of thousands of important documents that pertain to Terry's death is not the way to go about it.

Issa is right to bring up a vote of contempt for Holder. It is unbelievable that there hasn't been more outrage from the media regarding this scandal in the first place. During one of the GOP primary debates, I believe it was Rick Perry who rightly said that Holder shouldn't be asked to resign or even be held in contempt, he should be fired immeaditely (Where is Donald Trump when you need him?)

That being said, I really can't comprehend how anybody with a sound mind can be defending Holder's contempt vote. If he is not guilty then he should just turn over the documents, end of story. But instead, you have reps like Cummings and Maloney somehow trying to twist this against Republicans with statments like calling the vote a "political witch hunt" or saying that Issa is simply trying to "overrule" the presdient.

The bottom line is that Brian Terry is dead, and Holder is withholding docuemtns that could very well bring about unaswered questions that Terry's family and the rest of America eagerly await. This scandal is a disgrace to the Obama adminstration and a symbol of the vast corruption permeating through the White House.

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