Thursday, July 26, 2012

Liberals Attempt to Punish Free Speech: The Chick-fil-A Mess

“Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,”- Rahm Emanuel  

As most of you know, Dan Cathy, the president of Chick-fil-A, has come out and said that he supports the traditional family unit as defined in the Bible, a clever way of saying he does not believe in same-sex marriage. After Cathy admitted to being "guilty as charged" there has been an amazing backlash from the Left to the point where the mayors of both Chicago and Boston are now claiming they will not allow Chick-fil-A's to be built in their city due to the supposed outrageous and discriminatory practices it takes part in.

Here is what I don't understand: Dan Cathy simply stated his opinion, which is very much in the norm for Conservative Christians all over America. So by using his freedom of speech, the left now claims that Chick-fil-A is run by a bunch of bigots who hate gays. There has never been one reported instance of Chick-fil-A discriminating against any specific race, gender, or sexual orientation. Employees  are coming forward and defending the organization for it's fair treatment of every single worker and customer. To "discriminate" would be to deny service or somehow treat gays differently from other customers. That being said, liberals should probably brush up on their vocabulary before they start making such ignorant generalizations that have absolutely no factual merit to back it up.

The main issue here is that the left is now denying a privately owned business the right to locate where they want to, just because of the owner's Christian beliefs. It's not like liberals read the Constitution, but if they did, they might notice America prides itself on freedom of Religion. So now, not only are they claiming Chick-fil-A is a religious institution because of the opinions of the owner, but they are denying him the freedom to set up where he wants. Essentially what is happening here is that liberals are denying free enterprise and punishing free speech, all in the defense of "discriminatory practices" that are non-existent...classic liberals.

What I find extremely ironic is that this reminds me of the whole Mosque being built near Ground Zero drama. Liberals were very supportive of the mosque being built, but now are vehemently opposed to any new Chick-fil-A's popping up? Sure, Liberals are supportive of freedom of religion, unless that religion is Christianity...

Huckabee has tried to rally the conservative base and announced that everyone should go to Chick-fil-A to show their support on August 1st in an attempt to create the highest number of sales in one day. There are already rumors of gays standing outside Chick-fil-A's on that day for "Kiss-ins" where apparently they will just be making out right outside the restaurant. Great.

To boycott Chick-fil-A just because of the owner's opinion on one political matter would be like all conservatives boycotting "The Dark Knight Rises" simply because Morgan Freeman (who donated 1 million dollars to Obama) and Anne Hathaway are pro-choice. It's ridiculous.

Instead of just respecting that everyone has their own opinions, the left feels like it now has to go on the offensive and get in everybodys face. Rosanne Barr even stated that she'd like to see all Chick- fil- A customers get cancer. Even though I think that is a ridiculous statement, it's completely her right to say it.

I'll leave you with a quote from a former Chick-fil-A employee, Sarah Centers:

"I’ve worked at Chick-fil-A since I was 16 (now I’m 25) at more than 1 store.

I’m against gay marriage because I believe that God defines marriage as 1 man+1 woman, as long as they both shall live. Therefore, according to the far left and the pro-gay marriage agenda, I must hate gay people.

But to equate disagreement with hatred is faulty logic. I’m against smoking for various reasons, so does that mean I automatically hate all people who smoke?

To say that Chick-fil-A hates or discriminates against gay people (or anybody who differs from biblical beliefs & principles) is ridiculous and false. If they were truly discriminating, they would refuse to serve them, and, as much as possible, avoid hiring them.

In my years of working at Chick-fil-A, I’ve worked alongside many Christians—yes – but also atheists, Mormons, gays, and Muslims. Guess what? My bosses treated us all with the same dignity, honor, and respect that Chick-fil-A believes in, because of the following Christian principle: all people (including the unborn, and believers or unbelievers) are created in the image of God.

Dan Cathy is free to voice his convictions. Anybody who can’t tolerate his/the business’ “intolerance” is free to choose NOT to patronize Chick-fil-A restaurants, just as anybody who agrees with Dan Cathy or agrees to disagree with him are free to choose to EAT MORE CHIKIN!"

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Political Implications of Obamacare Being Ruled Constitutional

In my previous post, I alluded to the fact that Chief Justice Roberts might have actually given the GOP an amazing gift by using perverse logic to pass off Obamacare as a tax. There have been many pundits and politicians agreeing with this idea. Even Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen is quoted as saying:
"This means that going forward in the election campaign, it will be increasingly difficult for President Obama to defend an unpopular law at an unpopular time -- thus working to Republican challenger Mitt Romney's advantage."
On the actualy day of the ruling, Romney reported receving donations from over 45,000 different sources adding up to over 4 million dollars. Obama won't release his donation numbers for that day, but seeing as he has to beg donors aboard Air Force One to not let him become the first incumbent president outraised by his opponent, I'd say Romney is in pretty good shape. Also, Obama's campaign actually spent more money than it took in last month (but after all it is Obama, so that should be expected.)
When it comes down to it, the Health Care Bill is still wildly unpopular among Americans, including the majority of independents, which could have a huge impact on the race. Not only that, but also the ruling has reenergized the Tea Party and is sure to increase GOP voter turn out. On the other hand, Obama will be losing a lot of the youth vote and must now try and re-sell this cumbersome health care bill (which he just happens to be exempt from.)
It is very easy to smear Republicans for wanting to repal Obamacare; typical liberal responses might be "You hate the poor!", "Stop being selfish!", "How could you let insurance comapnies deny someone with a preexisting condition!?"... In order to take full advatnage of his unpopular Obamacare, Romney must quickly offer new ideas and his plan to replace Obama's overhaul of our healthcare system.

Donald Trump, who can sometimes be too honest for his own good, had this to say about Obamacare:
"Let me get this straight... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to
purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress who didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government who has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that is broke!"
...Now that has to be one of the best runon sentences I think I've ever read. Even for those who despise Trump, there is just no debating any of the ridiculous hypocrisy which he speaks of.

In the end, although I wouldve prefered to see Obamacare to be struck down in it's entirety, I am very intrigued to see if the GOP can use this ruling to their advatange and take the White House.